More time for drinking and less time for brewing – Brewie in BrewFuse

Good news! Our newest product, the most advanced all-in-one homebrewing machine, the Brewie+ was featured on BrewFuse’s site in late May. Wannabe homebrewers and interested craft beer lovers, please gather here! Visit BrewFuse’s post and see why to choose the Brewie+ in order to make yourself beyond hoppy with your own beer in hand!

The article lightens the facts why our fully automated brewing machine suits everyone who eyeing with the opportunity of evolving into a homebrewer and doesn’t want to fuss about all the annoying parts of the brewing process. The Brewie+ saves you time, money, space and provides you with the tastiest craft beers you’ve ever tasted.

Here’s a quick recap for foretaste:

  • it’s one of the only automated brewing systems that will brew a full five-gallon batch of homebrew
  • it has direct water hookup that removes the extra step of hauling water to your system
  • it won’t limit your fantasy: brew with your own ingredients or use the pre-packaged Brewie Pads
  • the Mobile App is coming very soon
  • it cleans itself

Read the full article here and stay tuned: BeerFuse is going to be back with a hands-on test soon!

Beer at the push of a button

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